The socialists would have you believe we are at the cliff and republicans are ready to provide a shove thus shutting down the government at which point, the world as we know it, will end.
That is because, to socialists, the only possible way for anyone to survive, is with the life-giving assistance OF the government.
Nothing could be further from the truth.
In fact, the socialist belief that government is THE be all, end all, is laughable but, their view of where we are in relation to the cliff is upside down.
We ARE at the cliff but, the reality of it he that we are at the bottom of the cliff looking up.
Republicans are doing nothing less than trying to hold back the landslide of over burdensome government from breaking loose and burying us all.
If the government shut down at midnight tonight…
The effect SHOULD be stunningly uneventful to reasonable people while they all watch, in wonder, as socialists run about chirping that the sky is falling.
Non-essential elements of government will go dark.
Essential elements SHOULDcontinue unimperiled.
Should military pay or social security payments suddenly not be delivered, it will be because Obama has, himself, chosen not to issue them.
The simple truth of it is…
A government shutdown should, for the most part, go unnoticed and, the less the government does…The better but…
THAT flies in the face of the socialist ideology and that is exactly the point.
Socialists insist that without government, your entire world will crumble and that is exactly why they are wetting themselve4s.
Socialists know full well that almost nothing will change with a government shutdown and that almost nobody will notice the difference…Socialists also know that any who say their lives are in shambles should the government shut down, are simply making it up.
You see…The REAL reason socialists DON’T want a government shutdown is because it will HIGHLIGHT their insignificance.
They’re not worried about YOUR world coming to an end…SOCIALISTS are worried THEIR world of LIES is about to come to an end.
Back in 1995, over the Christmas holiday,the government shut down for 21 says and nothing bad happened.
Planes didn’t fall from the skies, soldiers got paid, grandma and grandpa didn’t turn to dust and children weren’t found groveling for scraps in the gutters.
Cats didn’t mate with dogs, gravity held constant, plagues of locusts didn’t strip the ground bare and yes, Virginia, there was a Santa.
When you see those on the socialist left stampeding toward the nearest available microphone to tell you that a government shutdown, and all the resulting calamity will be the fault of Republicans…
Consider the source.
These are the exact same people who told you that…
Obamacare wouldn’t cost one thin dime.
They lied. The cost is nearly $1TRILLION DOLLARS over the next 10 years.
If you like your doctor, you’ll be able to keep your doctor.
They lied.
If you like your insurance you can keep your insurance.
They lied.
They told you that Obamacare would lower the cost of health insurance by $2500.00 per family.
They lied,
They said Obamacare would be good for the economy.
They lied,
They said that Obamacare wouldn’t effect employment.
They lied.
No family making less than $250,000 a year will see any form of tax increase.
They lied.
Obamacare is not a tax.
They lied. Obamacare is, in fact, the largest tax increase in American history and, if it wasn’t a tax, it wouldn’t have been found Constitutional by the United States Supreme Court.
The new healthcare law will improve, not hurt, the quality of American healthcare.
They lied.
It’s not a government takeover: “I don’t believe that government can or should run healthcare.”
They lied.
The state health insurance exchanges will open on time.
They lied.
Under Obamacare, all Americans will have coverage.
They lied.
Obamacare will be fair for everyone.
They lied.
Given all of that, those same people are NOW telling you that if REPUBLICANS don’t fund Obamacare…the REPUBLICANS will be responsible for a government shutdown???
And they expect that to be taken SERIOUSLY???
Once again, they’re lying.
Republicans have now sent not 1 but 2 continuing resolutions to the socialist controlled senate that would, in fact, KEEP THE GOVERNMENT FUNDED AND OPEN FOR BUSINESS.
It is the SENATE, in SOCIALIST CONTROL, that is standing in the way of continued government as usual operations because SOCIALISTS, IN THE SENATE, KNOW THAT THEIR GREATEST ATTEMPT AT SOCIALISM…THE FUNDAMENTAL TRANSFORMATION OF THE NATION…IS A TRAIN WRECK IN THE MAKING and, they know if it is stopped, in whole or in part…THEIR IDEOLOGY SUFFERS A MAJOR BLOW.
Consider this…
Socialists in the government know…They KNOW…That the only way to make government INDISPENSABLE is to put GOVERNMENT in charge of your HEALTHCARE. Once they have the people over THAT barrel, there is no going back.
Harry Reid, when asked by NPR if Obamacare was just a stepping stone to a SINGLE PAYER SYSTEM, replied…”YES, YES, DEFINITELY YES.”
If they don’t get to have Obamacare, the socialists know that their “SOCIALISM FOR ALL AMERICANS” ideology is in deep, deep trouble.
Also consider this…
The SOCIALISTS have, in the last couple of weeks, attempted to attach such labels as…”RADICALS” and “ARSONISTS…HOMICIDE BOMBERS…HOSTAGE TAKERS and EXTREMISTS” to Conservatives.
Because Socialists are SO desperate to turn THEIR low information voters into socialist controlled lemmings that they are willing to paint CONSERVATIVES…as TERRORISTS in order to keep Obamacare…A law that took bribes to pass it before anyone was allowed to read it…A law from which, the socialist Obama, had to provide waivers to his cronies in return for their continued support…A law so over burdensome that Obama has had to delay parts of it so as to not have big businesses turn against him…And a law so messed up that it’s key author, Senator Max Baucus, called it a TRAIN WRECK…In place.
A recent CNN poll found that only 29% of respondents actually support Obamacare.
Imagine…If the socialists, instead of engaging in a campaign of lies, told their low information voters a couple of TRUTHS about Obamacare.
Under Obamacare…Your health insurance rates will go UP.
Under Obamacare…Your employer may well DROP employer coverage.
Under Obamacare…a 15 member APPOINTED panel containing NO DOCTORS, will be making your most important healthcare decisions.
Under Obamacare…If you don’t PAY UP…The IRS will be coming after you.
Even the low information voters would be surrounding the castle, torches lit, pitchforks in hand…DEMANDING Obamacare be repealed and repealed NOW!!!
ALL voters, regardless of the outcome of a possible government shutdown at midnight tonight will have that opportunity…again…in November of 2014.
For now…Obama intends to highjack a government shutdown to use it as a hammer with which to bludgeon the American people into falsely believing that the pain HE can inflict BECAUSE of a shutdown, which he will blame on REPUBLICANS…Is worse than the pain of SOCIALISM ushered through the door by Obamacare.
Republicans need to stand strong and use the TRUTH as a sword to slice through the lies and NOT bend or blink regarding Obamacare.